Company History

Innovators of engineered lubrication technology since 1923

Bijur Delimon, the lubrication products arm of Industrial Manufacturing Company International, is comprised of several of the world’s most recognized names in lubrication and cooling: Bijur, Delimon, Farval, Denco Lubrication, Lubrimonsa, and LubeSite. Since its acquisition of Farval in 1982, Bijur Delimon International has steadily and continually grown and prospered, becoming a focused leader in the field of lubrication and cooling. Through international commitment to this mission, and with engineering, manufacturing and sales operations well-positioned on three continents, we now stand as one of the world’s largest providers of engineered lubrication and cooling products and services. 

Our offering of industrial products is extensive, including heavy-duty grease systems, oil recirculating systems, light and heavy-duty oil systems, mobile on- and off-road fluid grease applicators, single point feeders, cooling and chilling units, and more. With a product offering like ours, Bijur Delimon stands ready to assist you in formulating the right plan for the right application, be it a steel mill, oil refinery, truck chassis, earthmover, packaging or plastics machine, machine tool, conveyor, assembly machine, wind turbine generator, printing press, textile machine, food and beverage processor, or a simple pillow block. 

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